(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
* I was paid as a model on this project, but have not been paid or asked to blog about this campaign or my experience shooting it.
Back in October, I met up with some lovely people in deepest North London to work on an intriguing project with fashion brand
Navabi. The brief was exciting - the plan, masterminded by Navabi's social editor
Bethany Rutter, was to create a series of stock images featuring a variety of plus size bodies. By offering these images royalty free, it was their hope that they will encourage more plus size representation within the media. So whether you're looking for a new spin on the jealous girlfriend meme, woman laughing at salad or purple haired, chubby hackers, click on for a selection of what we got up to on the day.
Link to download iamges:
Navabi asked a few plus size influencers what they thought about the campaign, as well as people who posed for the photos:
Writer and fashion influencer Stephanie Yeboah said: 'Often times when you put 'plus size' or 'fat' into a stock image website, 9 times out of 10 the person is either eating fast food, sitting on the sofa or staring out of a window looking depressed. In actual fact, this isn't the reality of the vast majority of plus-sized people, and it's important that we have the representation we deserve: photos of plus-sized people doing "normal things" because that's what we are. Our lives are not limited to wanting to lose weight or trying on clothes that don't fit. It's important to have photos of plus-sized people in a variety of different contexts.'
Fashion influencer Nicole Ocran said: ‘Stock imagery already has the stigma of being cheesy - but with that comes the default setting we've seen over and over again across all industries - white, able-bodied and thin. I'm so excited to see navabi subverting the narrative yet again - fat women are CEOs, fat women own homes, and even eat salad! So here's to seeing our bodies represented across all sectors - even in awkward stock photography situations!’
Diana Thompson, one of the models from the stock images project, said: ‘This particular campaign felt important to me, as it is putting a variety of non-industry shapes and faces into the types of images we never see - normal stock images, doing everyday things without the caveat of it being outlandish or mocking.’
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
(c) Navabi - navabi.co.uk/stock-photos |
You can visit
navabi.co.uk/stock-photos to see the entire set, and I'm so happy to be able to share them. It was genuinely such a lovely project to work on, and I still can't stop laughing at the hacker and jealous girlfriend images!
Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments below. :-)
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