
Plus Size Posse

A few months ago, I put a shout on on social media looking for people who would be interested in telling me why the phrase "plus size" was so important to them. It was a question born out of the "drop the plus" debate, and I wanted to know how the term plus size had been a useful tool for good. It was so wonderful to see the replies coming in, with stories of people finding body acceptance, self love and a place amongst a supportive community which straddled politics, feminism as well as fashion. Over two days with very extreme weather, I photographed some of them in their favourite outfits, which you can see below.

- Siân Yapp

We were given the term plus size as a way to shame our bodies and to segregate us from "the norm" 
Plus size is now a term that I along with my fellow plus sized men and women have embraced.
It is a strong, powerful and Beautiful word that we all can relate too.
I am Plus Size and there is nothing wrong with that, what is wrong is people's negative view on the word and what it stands for. 

Dress: Lacegenteel

- Big Healthy Tracey

The term plus size has been something I have embraced. For the last few years I have grown in confidence and have realized that it is just a term. It doesn't define me. I love myself and to change this term would project that there is something wrong. How can a term that in it's true definite mean the addition to or the positive.  Instead of trying to change the term and being uncomfortable with it we should own it and embrace it as ours. Love the plus size and love ourselves. 

Longline Bomber Jacket: Pink Clove
T-shirt - Boohoo Plus
Leggings: TG at 24 Studio
Boots: New Look

- Hanna
hannawears.com / instagram.com/hannawears

The term plus-size helped me to find people who look like me, but dress amazingly - back around 5 years ago I was googling with the search term 'plus-size fashion' and found blogs, who initially inspired me to start mine :). And of course still to this day it helps me to find clothes that are designed for larder bodies in mind.

Dress: Evans

- Gen R

For the longest time I fretted about how the world saw me from my un-tameable hair to my larger size. When I got over myself and celebrated who I am, I grew in confidence. Plus size for me is a statement of fact. I'm bigger and here is a range of things that fit me. But also it's a statement of self respect. I know who I am, what I fit and what to work in my outfit to feel fabulous. The plus size label adds to that.

Dress: George via Fat Postive Swap
Tights: Sainsburys
Boots: Primark
Earrings: Marks & Spencer
Cardigan: Debenhams

- Katie Eyden-Hainsworth

I have mixed feelings about the term plus size. I think it should apply to anyone sized 16 or over and when it does I approve wholeheartedly as when I am looking for clothes and there is a plus sized range i know there will be something to fit me and I can shop with ease. 

I am plus sized and happy to refer to myself as such. I have no embarrassment about my size. All bodies are beautiful and just because I am a Sunflower and not a Daisy does not make me less of a person in my rights or opinions than a smaller girl.

Dress: Hell Bunny
Cardigan: Collectif
Shoes: Sketchers Go Walk

- Mayah Camara

I don't have a problem with the term plus size. For me "plus size" was a term or descriptive that a community of women took on and made amazing things happen with; from blogs and websites, fashion lines, businesses etc. I do think that from a more cooperate level with clothing, the size range is rather strange starting from a 14 for most brands and in some cases a small as a 12! I personally would say it starts from a size 18 or 20 but other than that I have no problem with the term and use it a lot myself. 

Jacket: Zizzi
Petticoat: Vivien Of Holloway

- Kelli

Why the term plus size is important to me is that it lets me know where I can find clothing that fits my body . It dictates where I'll spend my money , and allows me to feel included in the fashion world just that little bit .

Dress: Black short sleeve Lyra dress from Lady V London

- Marie

I hadn't really thought about what the term Plus Size meant to me until about 3 years ago. I attended a book launch and saw a lady wearing a gorgeous dress. She was a voluptuous lady like myself and she looked fabulous.
I'd seen her at a few events and she always looked great.

I contacted her the next day and asked her where she purchased the dress. She told me that she had bought it from ASOS and that they had a Plus Size  range called 'Curve.'

As soon as I heard the term Plus Size my heart sank and imagined pages of black, grey or overly floral prints that looked like 70's polyester duvet covers.

 However I took a peek and haven't looked back. The models were women that looked like me! They jiggled when they wiggled and looked trendy, stylish AND classy.

I started to research and actively seek out Plus Sized designers. I also joined a few 'Fat Positive' groups on Social Media.

I have always liked my body, however, being able to discuss the unique problems that Plus Size people face with others, really helped and boosted my confidence even more!

 'Plus Size' was just the section of the store or website I'd buy stuff from. The afterthought,  and the smallest section of the shop. Funny that, the biggest people had the smallest section!

I'd always seen myself as 'Marie size' whatever that might be.

I no longer put stuff back on the rail/shelf if it doesn't fit 'just right.' I get the sewing kit out or dare I say it? I buy the bigger size!

Plus Size now doesn't mean I have to walk around in a floor length shapeless kaftan, looking like a lumpy old sofa. (Not that I did before.) I'm not an afterthought.

If I like it, if it fits, if it suits me, if I feel comfortable and gorgeous in it, I buy it. If it doesn't do any of those things I buy it and make it work for me. Being Plus Size works for me.

Dress: Asos Curve White Skater Dress in Hand Crochet
Shoes: Asos Darko Silver Trainers

- Ashley Elizabeth

The term "plus size" isn't offensive to me. I know that it was introduced by retailers as a way to identify clothing larger than the standard sizing (whatever the parameters were in those days), but I think the fat community has since taken back the term and made it their own. I like being able to see that there are clothes for people that are bigger, rather than clicking through a website or browsing a rack to end up disappointed the item I want doesn't come in my size, nine times out of ten. As far as the "Plus Is Equal" and "Drop The Plus" campaigns go, I'm not against them, either - anything where fat positivity and body acceptance come to the forefront are worthy in my books!

Dress: ASOS
Shoes: ASOS

Until next time,

Diana x ❤ x
(All photos (c) Diana Thompson / Fashion Loves Photos unless otherwise stated. Please do not reproduce without written permission.)


  1. So sorry I couldn't make this. But what a bunch of babes!!! Well done you!

    1. Thank you! :) I'm really hoping to do something similar in the new year on a larger scale in my studio, so will give you a shout when the plans start to take shape. x

  2. This is such a lovely project and I love everyone photographed in their favourite outfits, so many beautiful, smiling, confident faces in one place!

    C xx


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